right to media literacy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member of Shahid Beheshti University, Iran / Tehran

2 PhD student of Public Law/ Tehran university


in a agency-centered tendency toward human rights, the rights of human are the sequences which maintain our normative agency. the fulfillment of normative agency depends on the fact that the individual should have autonomy about deciding on the targets of life and to make wise decisions, human being shall not be short-sighted and shall gain a certain level of knowledge and awareness through education. in the context of media literacy, there is human being who can gain independence by realizing media restrictions, critical analysis and evaluation of media messages and conscious use of informational and communicative technologies in media world and pass the challenges of media world undamaged. the right to have media literacy confirms the fact that in media world, not being short-sighted and the normative agency is connected with media recognition. for a better understanding of such an analysis, a part of the paper shall be dedicated to thinking about the media world in addition to recognizing the concept of right and its justifying foundations.


Main Subjects

  1. منابع

    کتب فارسی

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