Competition authorities call various remedies with different efficiency in hindering antitrust activities in Intellectual Property domain in order to protect technological environment from anticompetitive practices and save innovation from the illegal ambition of undertakings. Having regarded different types of competitive sanctions which are applicable in IP sphere, this research is going to draw their framework in Iranian law, regarding the Law on Implementation of General Policies of Principle (44) and clarify the relationship between general and particular IP regulations and challenge the approaches of Iranian law from the point of view of standards and established rules in IP and competition laws sphere. This paper makes clear that in absence of efficient policy regarding IPs and a lack of understanding of the competitive remedies aspects and mere borrowing the notions of foreign law, without trying to adapt them in the context of domestic law, adopted policies and solutions suffer from deep shortcomings. This situation finally leads to unreasonable results which require a substantial change in attitudes to the role of competition on sanctions in the field of intellectual property and reconsidering of the current arrangements and rules.
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ebrahim rahbari. "An Analysis and Critic on the Aspects of Competition Remedies and Sanctions in Intellectual Property Domain". Legal Research, 21, 83, 2018, 187-211. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.150978.1245
rahbari, E. (2018). 'An Analysis and Critic on the Aspects of Competition Remedies and Sanctions in Intellectual Property Domain', Legal Research, 21(83), pp. 187-211. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.150978.1245
rahbari, E. An Analysis and Critic on the Aspects of Competition Remedies and Sanctions in Intellectual Property Domain. Legal Research, 2018; 21(83): 187-211. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.150978.1245