Comparative study of model case in German and Iran legal system

Document Type : Original Article


1 انش آموخته دانشگاه بوعلی سینا

2 bu ali Sina university

3 bu ali sina universtity



Inconsistent judgments in Individual lawsuit have bad effects on the validity of the judicial systems where there are actions with the same or common questions of law or fact and finding the methods for aggregation of the claims is one of the concern of different legal systems. There are different methods of aggregations of the claims accordance with the basis and principle of each legal system. Acceptance of Model case is one of these methods that is predicted in the German legal system. In such cases, an action is brought by one or more person and the final verdict is applied as basis to all registered individual cases.
In the legal system of Iran, although model case are not accepted as a general rule, however we can see similar example of these actions in some statutes such as Law of the Organization and procedure of Administrative Justice Court. In this article with analyzing model case in German law and justifying the necessity of acceptance of it in Iran law, we want to answer this question whether model case can accept in Iran law?


Main Subjects

  1. فهرست منابع

    اول: منابع فارسی

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    دوم: منابع خارجی

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