Comparative Study about Concept and Functions of Friend of the Court in Iranian Law and Common Law

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Department of Private Law, Amol, Iran, Member of Young Researchers and Elite Club



Friend of the court is a person that, provide the court, with his information and legal analysis about question of fact and law. Provide an advisory submission by a friend of the court has its roots in ancient Rome but, with the development in using this institution by common law countries, now it is not a neutral person and may has a general and indirect interest in legal proceedings.
There is no institution like the friend of the court in Iranian law but, with regarding advisory submissions of legal administration of justice, we can consider this office as a friend of the court in its traditional and Roman sense. Moreover, according to article 199 of civil procedure, the judge can request any person to provide an advisory submission on question of fact and law. In addition NGOs intervene in the proceedings provided in article 48 electronic commerce code adopted 1382 and article 66 of criminal procedure code adopted 1392 is as same as new friend of the court in common law.


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الف- فارسی
1-     بیگدلی، سعید و احمد اختیاری، قابلیتمطالبهضررجمعیتوسطانجمنهاوسازمانهایمردمنهاد (بامطالعهتطبیقیدرحقوقفرانسه)، پژوهش حقوق خصوصی، تابستان 97، شماره 23، صص 39-65.
2-     رمضانی قوام آبادی، محمدحسین، حضورسازمانهایمردم نهاددرفرآیندکیفریدرپرتوقانونآییندادرسیکیفری، مجله حقوقی دادگستری، پاییز 96، شماره 99، صص 139-167.
3-     شمس، عبدالله، آیین دادرسی مدنی، جلد دوم، تهران: انتشارات دراک، چاپ ششم، 1385.
4-     غمامی، مجید و حسن محسنی، آیین دادرسی مدنی فراملی، تهران: شرکت سهامی انتشار، 1390.
5-     کاتوزیان، ناصر،اثبات و دلیل اثبات، جلد دوم، تهران: میزان، چاپ سوم، 1385.
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