The foundations and roots of the creation of reason of state theory

Document Type : Original Article


bu ali sina university



The creation of the modern state in modern times is an important event and many new concepts and institutions rooted in this new phenomenon. Several theories have been involved in the creation of the modern state, one of which is the theory of reason of state. Reason of state theory arose in the sixteenth century Italy and from there to the rest of Europe was drawn. Creator of this theory believed that sometimes the interests of the state and of course the public that the prince acts contrary to popular belief and Keep the power and state higher from any interest. Of course, the theorists of this concept, there are differences in explanation this theory. This article was referring to the role of theory in the development of the modern state Historical and theoretical foundations and interpretation and criticism of the concept of that it has been examined. Reason of state theory with appearance of other forms of state, although seemingly vanished but survive in a different fashion that has been tried as an introduction to this theory to be addressed the most important issues.


Main Subjects

فهرست منابع
الف: کتاب
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