Forensic Victimology

Document Type : Original Article





Forensic Victimology is a branch of applied victimology, a scientific examination of victimhood and victimization in order to discover the truth in the process of preliminary investigation and criminal proceedings. When filing a criminal case, assessing the integrity of the victim''s statements, the evidence and evidence presented in the administration of justice have a significant impact. In the course of the evolution of victimology, the scientific discovery of crimes and the rights of criminal investigations, the scientific significance of the phenomenon of victimization was considered. The formation of a criminal offense and the victim''s personality record are one of the main achievements of victimization. Detecting a crime, conducting investigations, identifying the accused and proving his delinquency in many cases relates to the victim. The victim will be the appropriate clerk to identify and prove the crime. In this way, it is possible to draw the criminal offense of the perpetrators. Forensic Victimology by identifying the causes of victimization and victim''s fault can provide appropriate models for crime prevention. On the other hand, determining the type, severity and actual rate of victimization and distinguishing real victimizations from false ones is also one of the most important issues in the process of preliminary investigations and trials Criminal should be taken into consideration.


Main Subjects

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