Jurisprudential and law Investigation into Bitcoins

Document Type : Original Article


1 professor

2 lawyer


Bitcoin, one of the realities is the economic system in contemporaneously, which, despite the opportunities, threats and risks it poses to the economic system of countries. At the moment, Bitcoin be considered, as the most used and most valuable virtual currency in the real world. Bitcoin is actually an internet innovation and with similar functions of paperless money or government money, a tool for transferring or storing value is considered with a decentralized nature, which has become widespread in the cyberspace and allows users to do so the entire process of publishing, processing and deals is made by users' networks and without any intermediary. There are many discussions about the nature of bitcoin. Indeed, bitcoin can be considered as a currency, capital or commodity? Extending the welcome to bitcoin has made it possible to examine Bitcoin's various dimensions and its use in the economic system on the agenda of research centers, jurisprudence centers, legislative assembly and central banks of many countries of the world That Iran is no exception.
A look on the Bitcoin studies indicate that many experts believe Bitcoin can head certain functions in the real world that traditional cash and e-money play in the economy .Therefore, it does not contradict with Sharia law and Islamic principles, so as virtual currency accepted But the problems and challenges faced in this regard That must be The reliability and confidence in the exchanges by setting proper rules and strict monitoring


Main Subjects

فهرست منابع
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