Commercial exploitation of the reputation of the deceased

Document Type : Original Article



The reputation is not solely to the living human being, after death, too. Even with the onset of death, it may even become more popular. The main question is who owns a person's reputation after his death? Will the person's reputation, like any other property, be inherited, or is this right different from the other property? To answer this question, one can identify a person's personal reputation as a non-personal and affiliated person who ends with the death of a person, but the fact is that The custom has seen a person's reputation as a commodity And considers payment against using it as justifiable. So, it seems that accepting the financial aspect of this right is preferable. On this basis, it seems that this right, like all other financial rights, will reach his heirs after the death of a person. This analysis will prevent the business from having to use other people's reputation and prevent consumers from being deceived. In American law, Germany and France, the prevailing tendency is the same. In Italian law, there is no single approach. In our legal system, given the silence of legal literature, attempts are made to take steps to address this issue. This study has been done by documentary method and survey in related texts to gather relevant information.


Main Subjects

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