Akhund Khorasani and Discovering the Commen denominater in Iranian Constitutionalism

Document Type : Original Article


assistant professor


The thought of Iranian Constitutionalism, the rudiments of which was noticed along with Iran and Russia war, was indeed a reaction to the crisis precipitated all over the country. This thought was a route for renovation and rise of Iran. Based on the fathers of Constitutionalism, a facet of the rise and its bases was the endeavor to enter all ordinary people of the country in deciding for the fate of the country. With the rise of Constitutionalism, such a viewpoint was so spread that with the provision of rudiments, some constitutionalists such as Akhund Khorasani and his disciples identified a common denomater for the public based on which they passed the verdict of equality of the public. After the provision of such rudiments, Akhund Khorasani identified the governance in Occultation as taken by the public, therefore authorizing the generic and public affairs to be handled by ordinary people, while such a right was not observed for ordinary people before the Constitutionalism, being the freeheld of the King. Akhund Khorasani also denounced the monopoly of Islamic jurists, i.e. Faqih, in this field and authorized it for the public.


Main Subjects

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