Comparative Study of Oral Judgment Rending Possibility and Declaration of Judgment in Iran, France, England & U.S.A.

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Tehran, Faculty of Law & Political Science

2 University of Tehran


In some countries belongs to Common Law legal system, may be rending Oral Judgment. There are some advantages for this kind of judgment such as preparing more time for judge by economizing litigation duration and freeing their times specialized to other judicial activities. In the other side, there are no effects of oral judgment in French legal system as the most well-known example of Roman-German legal system. Otherwise in this country we can find the declaration of judgment which is very comparable to oral judgment. In Iranian legal system we have no any indication of oral judgment but declaration of judgment is known between lawyers. This research studies the frontiers of legal systems and so studies the possibility and advantage of oral judgment. We can confirm that oral judgment may be advised as a temporarily approach for administration of time in judicial affairs and we can use this method for efficiency of legal system.


Main Subjects

  1. فهرست منابع

    الف) حقوقی

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    ب) فقهی

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