Legal analysis of the guarantee of the implementation above the Parliaments' presidents' (speaker) supervision on the Cabinets' ministers' approvals and the resulting effects

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Low, Central Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 beheshti university


Due to the importance of the role of the executive power in displaying the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran and protecting the principle of the hierarchy of legal norms, along with the judicial supervision of the Administrative Justice Court, supervision is also exercised by the Parliaments' (speaker) with helping votes "Committee of review and compliance of government approvals with the Laws" on the compliance of the Cabinets' ministers' approvals with the parliaments' approvals. Hence, according to legal documents, the Parliaments' president (speaker) is the authority to recognize the contradictions of Cabinets' ministers' approvals with the law. The main question of this research is the analysis of the nature of the guarantee of the implementation of the above-mentioned supervision and the resulting effects. In response could be said, the gradual evolution of the type of supervisory competence of the parliaments' speaker from "only informing and declaring the contradiction approved with the law" to "cancel the effect ", with attention to concepts of above guarantee and neglecting its effect is violation some principles and rules of law such as the principle of rule of law (9, 34, 85,138 and…principles of constitution), the principle of judiciary and responsible for administrative authority and ultimately, it is destroyer citizenship rights. In this research that is of descriptive-analytical type, has been used of library resources


Main Subjects

الف. کتاب‌ها
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