Evaluation of ICAO Legislative Policies in Enhancing the Security of Aviation

Document Type : Original Article




Analysis of ICAO Legislative Policy-Making Against Terrorist Acts
Peyman Namamian
Assistant Professor of Law Department Arak University
Since the start-up of aviation industry, illegal acts against aviation security have been among factors effective in creating widespread threats and challenges one of the most important of which is 11.09 events in terms of the extent of events. Global threats and transnational nature of this industry require global strategies to fight such challenges and threats, and need express and continuous attention as well as extensive cooperation by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and State Parties collectively. However, some achievements and success have been made by international community through global cooperation regarding criminalization of illegal acts against aviation security. On this basis, in addition to international institutions, societies and organizations, especially ICAO, all governments have attempted to codify and pass legal rules to confront threats and challenges caused by destructive effects of illegal acts against aviation security, including terrorism, at national levels. After all, given the growth of terrorist threatening acts against aviation security and the importance of providing security in this field, there should be proportional and effective punishments established for any acts committed in order to facilitate deterrence in this area in framework of ICAO policy-making to codify and pass international provisions. Therefore, present paper was intended to answer such questions as "How can threats and challenges caused by violation of aviation security be encountered?", "Are the contents of international regulations and instruments passed by ICAO sufficient to encounter threats facing aviation security?" and "Which operational mechanisms and executive strategies should be adopted to establish and enhance security at airports?" It should be noted that research methodology of present paper is exploratory – developmental regarding objectives stated, and is of library type regarding data collection.
Key Word: Aviation industry, Aviation Security, Unlawful Acts Against Aviation, Industry, Terrorism, ICAO


Main Subjects

منابع و مأخذ
الف- فارسی
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