The Effect of Amiabe Resolution of Disputes’ Clauses on Right of Litigation in Iranian and French Law

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of University of Tehran


Nowadays the stipulation of clauses of amiable resolution of disputes, especially mediation and conciliation clauses is a growing trend around the World. But in the French Jurisprudence, the effect of these clauses on right of litigation was unclear for decades. The position of French Jurisprudence in this respect was on change; sometimes it denies any effect for these clauses, then it recognizes the absolute validity for them. Finally in 2003 French Supreme Court recognize the stipulation of these clauses as the obstacle of action and declare the non-acceptance adjudication as the sanction of non-fulfillment of these clauses. Although this decision offered cleare guidance in respect of effect of these clauses, it did not definitely resolve the problem. The controversies continued on the effectivity of these clauses on the incident actions. In accordance to a judgment issued in 2017 by the abovementioned Court, the effect of these clauses is limited to principal actions. Consequently, bring the incident actions in court without the fulfillment of these clauses is no longer limited. Taking into account the fact that Iranian Jurisprudence also hesitates in respect of the effects of these clauses, especially where one of the contracting parties bring the case without the fulfillment of these clauses, the study of nature and effects of these clauses in Iranian Law is necessary. In this Article the effect of these clauses on principal and incident litigations would be studied separately.


Main Subjects

  1. فهرست منابع

    1. امامی، سیدحسن، حقوق مدنی، جلد 1، تهران، کتابخانۀ اسلامیه، 1378
    2. پژوهشگاه قوۀ قضائیه، مجموعه آرای قضایی دادگاه تجدیدنظر استان تهران (حقوقی) اسفند 1391، تهران، مرکز مطبوعات و انتشارات قوۀ قضائیه، 1393.
    3. پژوهشگاه قوۀ قضائیه، مجموعه آرای قضایی دادگاه تجدیدنظر استان تهران (حقوقی) تیر-مرداد-شهریور 1392، تهران، مرکز مطبوعات و انتشارات قوۀ قضائیه، 1394.
    4. پژوهشگاه قوۀ قضائیه، مجموعه آرای قضایی دادگاه تجدیدنظر استان تهران (حقوقی) مهر-آبان-آذر 1392، تهران، مرکز مطبوعات و انتشارات قوۀ قضائیه، 1394.
    5. پژوهشگاه قوۀ قضائیه، مجموعه آرای قضایی دادگاه تجدیدنظر استان تهران (حقوقی) فروردین، اردیبهشت، خرداد 1393، تهران، مرکز مطبوعات و انتشارات قوۀ قضائیه، 1396.
    6. شمس، عبدالله، آیین دادرسی مدنی، ج 3، تهران، دراک، 1384.
    7. کاتوزیان، ناصر، اعتبار امر قضاوت شده در امور مدنی، نشر دادگستر تهران، 1376


    ب: منابع فرانسه

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