Organizing legal institutes in the light of the characteristics of activity subject (With the benefit of comparative law)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law, University of Kashan


Three golden sides of the Characteristics of Lawyer profession triangle as follows: independence, lack of speculation, and the rule of personal considerations. Lawyer independence requires a special relationship between lawyer and client.Moreover, the main purpose of a lawyer, unlike a businessman,is not to seek a profit. Eventually the personal relationship is the essence and reason of the existence of many characteristics of the profession.The special relationship with the client is the reason of the independence of the lawyer and also the reason why the Services cannot be evaluated.To legalize the collaborative exercise of law in the form of law firms with the benefits of comparative law and with considering all three sides of this triangle,it is suggested: to guarantee independence, industry inputs should have a special place, the doors of the institution should be closed to external capital and the partners should be personally responsible for the damaging consequences of their activities.To reject speculation, the principle of equal distribution of interests should be different between the bringers.To focus on personal considerations, the institute should consist of at least two partners and consider the maximum number of partners.New partner entry to the institute with the consent of all partners should be possible. In return for the harmful act of the Partner the joint liability of the company and then unlimited liability of partners towards corporate debt shall be established. Removing the effect of void of a company contract and reducing the dissolution of the company should get on the agenda.


Main Subjects

منابع خارجی
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