Legal Bases for Applying Sustainability Assessment Indicators in Feasibility Studies

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Law, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University

3 Department of Civil Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University,

4 Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Shahid Beheshti,



Feasibility study is an assessment of a proposed project to determine whether it is technically possible to be carried out, with the estimated cost, time and expected profitability. It’s necessary for all projects in which a large amount of sums is at stake. In other words, Feasibility studies are fundamental steps for defining the aims and illustrating the path for initiation of any project. This process will not be reachable without defining indicators for measuring success, evaluating results, and identifying the responsibilities and liabilities of each party. It is acknowledged that the general criteria of “Sustainable Development” are the required elements to give a permission to implement any project. In fact, the old approaches aren’t capable of solving the new problems. A new and comprehensive assessment for sustainability is needed in feasibility studies. To make a dissension as to the feasibility, it is vital to have especial references to, environmental, economic and social aspects. For accomplishing this goal, a legal backing is of utmost importance. At the moment the duty and responsibility of each party during the Feasibility studies process are not clear. This paper introduces new approaches for conducting project feasibility study by embracing the principles of sustainable development. In addition, it suggests different ways to mitigate damages with consideration of sustainable development from a legal point of view.


Main Subjects

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