Principles of Implementing Imprisonment After the Outbreak of the Covid 19 Virus (Corona)

Document Type : Original Article


asistant law


Imprisonment is still one of the most notable punishments in criminal politics. In the light of this punishment, the freedom of movement of criminals for a period of time is taken away. The execution of this punishment becomes fair and criminally effective if it is supervised by a series of principles. Some of these principles are human rights and others are penological. With the outbreak of the Covid 19 virus (Corona), the implementation of these principles has been met with several challenges. Because, before that, their observance and guarantee had been done by relying on the capacities of the real environment. However, with the emergence of this virus and the challenges posed by guaranteeing the right to health and fundamental freedoms of prisoners, the rehabilitation of criminals, deterrence and criminal empowerment, the need to identify solutions to challenges as well as criminal policy review has become important. therefore, criminal policymakers must identify the technological penalties, appropriate penal policies for emergencies, and, in fact, create appropriate contexts for maintaining the goals of criminal justice and imprisonment in confronting human reality with these realities. this paper, based on the capacities of Iran's criminal policy, the principles of human rights in the implementation of prison sentences (a) and the penal principles of the implementation of prison sentences (b) are examined after the outbreak of the Cavid 19 virus (Corona). In the light of that, the challenges of the process of punishing


Main Subjects

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