Legal basis of Corona Norms In law and Islamic jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


دانشکده حقوق دانشگاه شهید بهشتی


Countries usually think of ways to deal with crisis before it happens and create an efficient organization to manage crisis. In Iran, Crisis Management Law was last revised and adopted at July29, 2019. However, the capacity of this law was not used in the case of corona crisis and a new entity was established with the approval ofthe Supreme National Security Council. While executively coordinating different government agencies, this entity has made legislative interventions and restricted, specified or suspended laws and regulationswhere appropriate. It is mainly "necessity and urgency" through which National Corona Headquarters has been legitimized and its normalizations have been justified. Necessity, urgency, distress and constriction and other secondary rules and some governing rules such as principle of no harm are secondary rules that make legal systems flexible and adapt them to new and emerging conditions. Corona management, had the important lesson that state unity and government integrity are necessary for administering the country - despite the valuable principle of separation of powers and useful plurality of comments.
However, the author believes that the Constitutional institution, procedures and processes should not be violated, except in very important and vital cases and if possible, the legal capacity of our country should be used


Main Subjects

فهرست منابع:
1.            خویی سید ابوالقاسم، مصباح الاصول،  ج 2، (قاعده لاضرر).
2.            خویی سید ابوالقاسم، موسوعه الامام خوئی، ج 14.
3.            سبزوارى، سید عبد الأعلى، مهذّب الأحکام، 30 جلد، مؤسسه المنار، قم - ایران، چهارم، 1413 ه‍ ق.
4.            سیستانی، سید علی، توضیح المسایل، مساله 1079.
5.            فروغی و همکاران، نحوه احراز مسولیت کیفری در بیماری های واگیردار، فصلنامه حقوق پزشکی، ش 35، سال 1394.
6.            یزدی سیدکاظم، العروه الوثقی، مبحث شرایط الوضو.
7.            H.L.A., Hart (1961), The Concept of law, Op Cit., London, New York
8.            قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران (با علامت اختصاری ق.ا.)
9.            قانون احکام دایمی برنامه‌های توسعه کشور.
10.          قانون مجازات اسلامی (با علامت اختصاری ق.م.ا.).
11.          قانون مدنی (با علامت اختصاری ق.م.).
12.          مصوبات ستاد ملی کرونا.