One of the new ideas in protecting the victims, is the state's responsibility for compensation of the victims and the word victim includes the people who has suffered damage from a social incident because of the fault of the state. Powerful advent of the virus Covid 19 cab been seen as one of the victim maker factors that requires the state's reaction for compensation. The aim of this article is to provide a better understanding of the legal situation of Iran in responding to the victims of social event. The survey is to define the basis of the state's compensation in Iranian legal system and to introduce the reliable institutions. However, as a necessary preface it should be noticed that this matter shall be independent from the political and managerial matters. Independency of the matters related to justice is one of the requirements which is necessary especially in the financial matters
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nasrin, M. (2020). State's responsibility to compensate the victims of Corona Virus. Legal Research Quarterly, 23(LAW and COVID- 19), 143-161. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2020.185074.1640
nasrin, M. . "State's responsibility to compensate the victims of Corona Virus", Legal Research Quarterly, 23, LAW and COVID- 19, 2020, 143-161. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2020.185074.1640
nasrin, M. (2020). 'State's responsibility to compensate the victims of Corona Virus', Legal Research Quarterly, 23(LAW and COVID- 19), pp. 143-161. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2020.185074.1640
M. nasrin, "State's responsibility to compensate the victims of Corona Virus," Legal Research Quarterly, 23 LAW and COVID- 19 (2020): 143-161, doi: 10.22034/jlr.2020.185074.1640
nasrin, M. State's responsibility to compensate the victims of Corona Virus. Legal Research Quarterly, 2020; 23(LAW and COVID- 19): 143-161. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2020.185074.1640