Corona’s dilemma in the mirror of international law

Document Type : Original Article


1 perofessor law

2 assetant law



The outbreak of coronavirus is an international crisis which is unprecedented in the contemporary world. For the first time, this lethal disease was reported in china in the beginning of December 2019 and spread gradually all over the world. In the current situation, the efficiency of international law in protecting the lives of human beings as well as promoting the right to health is criticized by scholars. Importantly, in the view of the UN high commissioner for Human Rights (Michelle Bachelet), coronavirus is a criterion for testing international community in terms of guarantying Human security. The present article will analyze the reaction of international law to this crisis in three aspects: firstly, the role of WHO in reaction to this widespread disease will be analyzed. Secondly, the international responsibility of States to ensure the right to health will be surveyed. Thirdly, derogations during a state of emergency arising from the outbreak of coronavirus will be examined. In each of the afore-mentioned questions, our analysis will be focused on the efficiency of Westphalia structure of international law for coping with international crisis as well as protecting Human security.
Corona, Efficiency of international law, WHO, Responsibility of States, Emergency Situation


Main Subjects

منابع خارجی:
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-              Pedro A. Villarreal, Covid-19 Symposium: Can they really do that? State’s obligations Under the International Health Regulations in light of Covid-19 (part I).
-              Martin Scheinin, Covid-19 Symposium: To derogate or Not to derogate, , opinion juris symposium
-              Philippe sands, Covid-19 Symposium: Covid-19 and international law, , opinion juris symposium
-              Sam Zarifi and kate powers, Covid-19 Symposium: Human Rights in the time of covid-19 front and center
-Tim Fish Hodgson, Covid-19 Symposium: Covid-19 responses and state obligations concerning the right to health
اسناد حقوقی
-              CESCR General Comment No. 14: The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health (Art. 12).
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-              UN Human Rights committee, CCPR General comment No.29: Article 4: Derogations during a state of emergency, 31 August 2001.
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-UN General Assembly, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
-              UN General Assembly, international covenant on Economic, Social and cultural rights, 16 December 1966, Treaty Series, vol. 993, p.3.
-              UN General Assembly, international covenant on civil and political rights, 16 December 1966.
-              UN Security Council, Resolution 2177, 18 September 2014, on the outbreak of the Ebola Virus in , and its impact on west Africa.
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منابع اینترنتی
-COVID-19: States should not abuse emergency measures to suppress human rights – UN experts, available at: