Coronavirus Pandemic and International Peace and Security

Document Type : Original Article




The outbreak of the corona virus has shown how weak and vulnerable humans are at the same time as authority. Failure to announce the incident in a timely manner and the lack of preparedness and lack of coordination between governments made it difficult to respond and deal with it quickly. A sharp dispute between China and the United States over the origin of the virus led to its refusal to include it in the Security Council agenda.
The main focus of this research is on the global epidemic of coronary heart disease and international peace and security, and seeks to answer the question that
Is the disease a threat to international peace and security? The Council's practice and practice indicate the expansion of its competencies and its extension from military to civilian threats. The council has twice before decided on AIDS and Ebola. Both times saw the situation as a threat to international peace and security. If the Council wishes to use the same logic in describing and attaining the status of the corona, it will, as in the previous two cases, declare it a threat to international peace and security, given the extent of the spread of the disease. But he didn't, and he probably won't. However, the Security Council has taken a passive approach in this regard, and little can be expected to change, at least in the short term.


  1. ب)فرانسوی



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