Preventive Criminal Policy Review in the Light of Epidemic Covid - 19 and Chaos Theory

Document Type : Original Article


professor law


A Review on Preventive Criminal Policy in the Light of the Epidemic of COVID-19 and Chaos Theory
Today mankind is facing incidents that not only threaten his collective life, but also they have sometimes carried destructive and deadly effects. Social phenomena such as floods, fires, storms, environmental pollution, and most importantly the periodic emergence of unknown epidemics such as cholera, influenza and AIDS have faced human life and the natural environment with serious dangers, and every time they kill thousands of people and living beings. The emergence of COVID-19 in 2020, as one of the most important hazards to the collective life, imposed terrible conditions and effects on human society that encourage commentators to review national and international policies in various fields. Criminal Policy studies as one of the most comprehensive approaches to social phenomena on the one hand and the emergence of chaos theory in on the other hand, failed to improve policy approaches toward public and social policies. Assuming that one of the important factors in the occurrence of many contemporaneous natural and human hazards is the result of human narcissism and it’s intrusive intervention in development procedure as well as his interventions in the context of scientific and industrial production without a systematic analysis or consideration of its destructive effects, this paper tries to argue for the necessity of attention to systematic and reticulated analysis in all social phenomena using a nonlinear logic.


Main Subjects

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