Good Governance: a Model for Recognition and Exercising Gender Equality Indicators

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Prof, Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities Science, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran



Achieving gender equality is a long-term project that is required gender mainstreaming and comprehensive reforms inside of legal system and outside of it via legal measures. Completing such a project requires long-term perspective that includes these steps: first determining dimensions of necessary changes as goals of project; second choosing a model for reforming as tools of project, and third recognizing indicators to evaluate achievements of project. In this article four dimensions are recognized as gender equality: redressing disadvantage, stigma, stereotyping, humiliation and violence, accommodation and transformation norms, and agency and voice; and good governance is presented as a model. Results show good governance, as a procedure-oriented method, focuses on process and context of lawmaking instead of content of rules. If its element, namely Participation, Rule of law, Accountability and promotion and protection of human rights are fulfilled simultaneously, the process and context of lawmaking will be changed in favor of gender equality.


Main Subjects

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