صلاحیت دیوان کیفری بین‌المللی در رسیدگی به جنایات جنگی در اوکراین

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Law Department Arak University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Law Department University of Isfahan, Iran



Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Investigation of War Crimes in Ukraine
Peyman Namamian*- Manuchehr Tavassoli Naini**
The atrocities committed by Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists are one of the deadliest in a decade. The United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine(UNHRMMU) reports on the escalation of casualties in the conflict and the occupation of Crimes, and its participation in the conflict in eastern Ukraine as a serious violation of the international law, including massacre, harassment. abuse, violence, unlawful detention, and other forms of what has often been described as individual and collective human rights violations as war crimes. Therefore, the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court can be established in dealing with such crimes. Although war crimes can be committed in the context of international and non-international armed conflicts, despite the commonalities in nature, it is acknowledged that some war crimes are not criminalized in international armed conflicts. This article seeks to confirm the link between war crimes and armed conflict in Ukraine, which is a tool for identifying useful criteria for the International Criminal Court, and the criminal responsibility of actual and potential perpetrators of horrific acts on both sides of the conflict in accordance with the Court's jurisdiction to measure.
Keyword: War Crimes, Ukraine, Armed Conflict, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Court.

* Assistant Professor Department of Law Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics Arak University, Corresponding Author: p-namamian@araku.ac.ir

** Associate Professor Department of Law Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics University of Isfahan, tavassoli@ase.ui.ac.ir


Main Subjects

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