Factors influencing the decision of officials, public officials and judges from a legal perspective

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Candidate of Law, Islamic Azad University, shiraz Branch

2 Assistant Professor of Law, Islamic Azad University,shiraz Branch

3 Associate Professor ,Department of Islamic Studies ,Shiraz Branch ,Islamic Azad University ,Shiraz , Iran



Documentary law is the predominant document that is introduced as the most obvious criterion of the decision in public institutions, and most legal commentators and analysts have examined it by examining issues related to interpretation as if no variable is effective in the decision except law. However, in the light of interdisciplinary interventions, many variables have arisen and their number has increased day by day, and they have not considered decision-making based on law alone to be imaginary. It is now recognized that attitude, intellectual and philosophical basis, a mental schema, strategy or strategy, personality traits, peer behavior, etc. are among the factors influencing the decision. The weight of each of these variables in the decision needs further investigation, but most previous studies indicate that attitude has a much greater impact than other factors and is the first model that influences the decision because attitude is a firm model. Under the influence of inheritance and education, it has such power that it influences and easily overcomes other variables. Even the law and the contents of the file and documents are interpreted and evaluated from the perspective of the individual. Following the answer to why this impact and the impact of the issue was formed, what criteria and patterns and how it affect the decision of the public official from a legal perspective? In order to reach the answer of this research, the present research was formed by the library, analytical and descriptive method. Directs that the influential factors can be divided into two categories: external and internal, which include internal including genetic characteristics, personality, and attitude, external including law, conflict of interest, co-worker practice, and strategy or strategy.


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