Constitutional Law Requirements for Dealing with Emergency Situations with emphasis on Covid 19

Document Type : Original Article


University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services



Although laws and regulations in all legal systems are typically
formulated, enacted, and promulgated for ordinary situations, sometimes
situations arise for political systems that endanger the life of society. To
manage these dangerous situations, there are various tools in political
systems, one of which is to declare a state of emergency. In such cases,
restrictions on fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right of
movement, the right to employment and the freedom of the media, are
imposed. Given that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people are
restricted in a state of emergency, it is imperative that governments adhere to
a set of formal and substantive rules so that this situation does not lead to a
fundamental violation of fundamental rights and freedoms. With the spread
of Covid 19 disease around the world, some countries have declared a health
emergency in order to deal with the disease. In Iran, although the capacities
of Article 79 of the Constitution were not formally used and a state of
emergency was not declared, the use of Article 176 of the Constitution
imposed restrictions on some rights and freedoms. An examination of the
process of applying these restrictions in Iran shows that the formal and
substantive requirements for emergency situations have been met to a large


Main Subjects

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