Assistant professor, Public Law, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch
Employment Relations, like other areas of human life, are affected by natural disasters and social, economic, and political necessities. In an efficient legal system, following the various emerging situations, it is possible to apply measures that can meet the event's needs based on legal and possibly contractual provisions. The covid-19 pandemic can be considered a natural and, of course, not very predictable event that affected various aspects of the country's political, social, and economic life. This epidemic in Employment Relations has a severe and destructive effect, such as the forced reduction of working hours and the disappearance of job opportunities. Under a descriptive approach, this report first deals with the legal analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the employment relationship. Then, according to the potential of the Iranian legal system, including the situations provided in the labor law and social security law, the solutions and legal necessities governing this situation will be provided according to the different related parties, including the government, employees, and employers. In addition, the rights and duties of each will be explained.
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Shahi, M. S. (2022). The Impact of Covid-19 on Employment Relations in Iran. Legal Research Quarterly, 25(Law & covid-19 vol.2), 711-732. doi: 10.29252/jlr.2022.226828.2166
Shahi, M. S. . "The Impact of Covid-19 on Employment Relations in Iran", Legal Research Quarterly, 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, 711-732. doi: 10.29252/jlr.2022.226828.2166
Shahi, M. S. (2022). 'The Impact of Covid-19 on Employment Relations in Iran', Legal Research Quarterly, 25(Law & covid-19 vol.2), pp. 711-732. doi: 10.29252/jlr.2022.226828.2166
M. S. Shahi, "The Impact of Covid-19 on Employment Relations in Iran," Legal Research Quarterly, 25 Law & covid-19 vol.2 (2022): 711-732, doi: 10.29252/jlr.2022.226828.2166
Shahi, M. S. The Impact of Covid-19 on Employment Relations in Iran. Legal Research Quarterly, 2022; 25(Law & covid-19 vol.2): 711-732. doi: 10.29252/jlr.2022.226828.2166