Epidemic and the Regulatory State

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of law, Shahid Beheshti University



This paper discusses the Covid-19 crisis from the perspective of
regulatory law. To be more precise, the main topic of discussion is the
interaction between epidemic situations and the regulatory state. The main
question of this paper is what effect or possible effects the epidemic situation
will have on the regulatory state, and the possible response of the regulatory
state to epidemic situations, such as Covid-19, draws which kind of
relationship between the concept of the public interest and the market
system. The short answer to this question is that the entry of new shocks,
such as health crises, into the regulatory system, pushes the regulatory
situation to a higher level, which requires more government intervention.
This is due to various pressures, such as pressures from public opinion,
stakeholders and pressures from market failures as well as the extent to
which the government adheres to public interest. At the same time, the
findings of good regulation and strengthening of supervision, monitoring and
ensuring compliance with regulatory regulations, along with reducing redtapes
and strengthening international cooperation in the event of a health
crisis, can provide an accurate picture of the new paradigm of government
and market; A paradigm that is largely based on smart, outcome-oriented
regulation, and aims to strengthen citizens' trust in the regulatory state.


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