International Responsibility of States in Humanitarian Assistance: Emphasizing the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Law, Faculty of Humanities,Bu-Ali Sina University,Hamedan,Iran



The outbreak of coronavirus, which first started in Wuhan province of
China and infected the whole world in less than eleven weeks, has been one
of the most important challenges to human health and safety since World
War II. Although the main task of ensuring the health and minimum
livelihood of human life is the responsibility of state and the place of human
habitation, the various economic, social and health effects of the coronavirus
on human life necessitate humanitarian assistance from all states. The main
question of this article is whether there is a customary obligation for states to
help each other in combating the spread of the coronavirus and its economic,
health and social consequences. The author's hypothesis is that there is a
customary obligation for affluent states to assist vulnerable states in
combating the Quaid-19 virus. In particular, the inability and failure of a
state to fight the virus will lead to its proliferation and spread to neighboring
states and beyond, and it is in the interest of all states not to limit the fight
against the virus to their national and internal borders.


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