Bylaw as a main source of the criminal law: inversion in the connection of substance and form

Document Type : Original Article


University of Allama Tabatabaee



Bylaw as a main source of criminal law has gone through two periods. Prior to the revolution, the bylaws in criminal law had both an executive and law-abiding face and a substantive and independent face too. In the executive branch, some criminal laws have been enforced through regulations, and some of these decrees are still binding. In substantive face, with the permission of the law, some bylaws criminalized and provided for light penalties for crimes. After the revolution, the substantive role of the bylaws was weakened and then eliminated altogether; but the executive role and sub-face of the bylaws, it became more prominent than before, so that in some cases, the implementation of the law has become dependent on the bylaws. The role of the bylaws in directing the criminal law has painted a new face for Iran's criminal law. Accordingly, criminal law has moved towards detail in content rather than brevity in text and regulation rather than legality. This article, with a descriptive and analytical approach, by examining the process of legalization of criminal law in the last decade of the fourteenth century, has reached the conclusion that developments in various fields on the one hand and the lack of scientific and technical mastery of the legislator on the other hand many bylaws emerge.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 29 May 2023
  • Receive Date: 21 June 2021
  • Revise Date: 23 March 2023
  • Accept Date: 29 May 2023