The “Logic” governing Conflict of Laws in International Commercial Arbitration and Conflict of Sources in Usul Al Fiqh

Document Type : Original Article


1 استاد تمام دانشگاه شهید بهشتی ره، تهران، ایران

2 Phd Student of Private Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Law



The area of Law, Fiqh and Usul Al Fiqh, is the field of conflict of different matters. Among the conflict occurring in the area of Law and its branches, there’ll be “Conflict of Laws” in Private International Law, that is not limited to judiciary review or hearing and is prevalent in arbitral tribunals too, and its topics has been had a great development and depth, due to increasing references to arbitration. There is a topic in the area of Fiqh and especially Usul Al Fiqh, that is named “Conflict of Sources”,which in particular deal with conflicts occurring in these areas. Existing mentioned conflicts have to be dissolved and this important matter would be possible just through recognition of the “Logic” governing them. The resemblance of “Conflict of Laws” and “Conflict of Sources” is the element of “conflict”. Through the study of the “Logic” governing Conflict of Laws in International Commercial Arbitration and Conflict of Sources in Usul Al Fiqh, some resemblances and coordination between the conflicts occurring in these two areas, might be found. These resemblances might be arose, intentionally and by patterning or unintentionally and by accident.


Main Subjects

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