دانشگاه شهید بهشتی
عنوان مقاله [English]
Now that approximately 20 years have passed from the date of signing thefirst buy-back contract, many developments and critical events haveoccurred in international political and economic arenas, and also in terms ofindustrial conditions, which should have been taken into consideration inoutlining any new arrangements for the restoration of relations between theNational Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and international oil companies. Withregard to the above, an Act setting out the Tasks and Responsibilities ofPetroleum Ministry was approved in 2012. In Article 3 (3) (t) of this Act, theMinistry of Petroleum is explicitly authorized to "design new contractmodels" while Article 7 of the same Act stipulates that: "the generalprinciples of oil contracts are to be approved by the Board of Ministers".Supported by these legal authorizations, the Oil Contract RestructuringCommittee was formed by the Minister of Petroleum on 21 September 2013.This Committee introduced the general principles of the new IranianPetroleum Contract (IPC) model which was approved by the Board ofMinisters on 2 November 2015. The model mainly focuses on: increasingcrude oil and natural gas production capacity, especially in common fields;integrated implementation of exploration, appraisal, development,production and EOR/IOR projects for the lifecycle of the fields; fundraisingand up-to-date technology transfer with the presence of both Iranian firmsand foreign investors; and win-win investment with balanced risk andreward situation. In this article the structure of the new Iranian PetroleumContract (IPC) and the principles governing the model shall be reviewedwith an analytical approach.Keywords:Iranian Petroleum Contract (IPC) model, Ministry of Petroleum (Iran), Jointprojects, Inward investment