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عنوان مقاله [English]
The relationship between the gravity of a crime and its sentence isstraightforward: the more serious a crime, the heavier its sentence.According to this important consideration, the gravity of international crimesentails much debate in the legal literature, particularly in the opinions ofinternational criminal judges. The issue is further complicated when dealingwith crimes against humanity and war crimes, since doctrine and judicialdecisions are rather divergent. If crimes against humanity are more seriousthan war crimes then, all things being equal, a punishable offence, if chargedand proven as a crime against humanity, should ordinarily entail a heavierpenalty than if it were proceeded upon on the basis that it were a war crime.Invoking the statutes of international criminal tribunals, no difference inseriousness is suggested, as has been pointed by some scholars;nor does anydifference in seriousness appear in the jurisprudence of the Nuremberg orTokyo international criminal tribunals. Others noted that an act constituting acrime against humanity should be committed “as part of a widespread orsystematic practice” and so a crime against humanity is intrinsically moreserious than a war crime. There is also an argument that focuses on victimsof these crimes and attempts to analyze the response of the internationalcommunity. After all, the different “contexts” of these crimes are extremelyimportant. Prosecuting crimes against humanity is intended to protect asocietal interest over and above those visualized by war crimes and should,in consequence, entail heavier punishment.KeywordsCrimes against humanity, Determining sentence, International CriminalTribunal for Former Yugoslavia, International Criminal Tribunal forRwanda, War crimes.مناسبی برای شدیدتر بودن جنایات علیه بشریت قلمداد م یکنند. استدلا لهای دیگرهم به قربانیان این جرائم نظر دارند و در پی تحلیل واکنش جامعه بی نالمللی به این دومتفاوت ارتکاب ه ریک از این دو جرم از اهمیت « بستر » جرم هستند. مع هذا شایدبیشتری برخوردار باشد. جنایات جنگی و جنایات علیه بشریت به وضوح از منافع مختلفیحمایت م یکنند که این امر خود م یتواند مبنای مناسبی برای تحمیل مجازا تهایمختلف بر آنها باشد