دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات تهران
عنوان مقاله [English]
صورت نیز با فوت مستأجر، عقد اجاره منحل م یشود. عل یرغم وجود اصل کل ی مزبور،قانون گذار در بند 4 ماده 12 قانون روابط موجر و مستأجر مصوب 1356 که در حال حاضرصرفا نسبت به قراردادهای اجاره اماکن تجاری و مح لهای کسب و پیشه تا قب ل از1376/7/2 لاز مالاجرا است، اصل عدم بطلان عقد اجاره با موت متعاقدین را در صورتاجتماع وارثین مستأجر متوفی بر فسخ اجاره، نادیده گرفته است و حق فسخ را برایوارثین مستأجر به رسمیت شناخته است. چنین حقی البته ب ی آنکه با قانون مدنی و فقهامامیه سازگار باشد، برای وارثین در نظر گرفته شده است که قابل انتقاد است. The Impact of Contracting Parties’ Death on Rentals(A Critique of Paragraph 4 of Article 12 of the Law ofRelationship between Rente and Tenant Passed in 1977)When a lease contract is properly concluded, its provisions must be fulfilled.The binding nature of the contract requires that the death or incapacitation ofone party or even both parties should not affect the fate of the contract.Therefore, a lease contract remains valid until the termination of the lease.Invoidable contracts, this principle has not been adopted by the Iranian law andArticle 954 of the Civil Code stresses that all voidable contracts will benullified on the death of a party. In a lease contract, when the renter dieshis/her heirs will receive the rent and, when the tenant dies, his/her heirs willprofit from the object of the lease.This general principle will be valid only ifthe renter’s or tenant’s ownership is not limited to their lifetime and if takingpossession, by the tenant, of the object of the lease is not restricted to his/herin person. In other words, in a lease contract, the condition of being alivewhich is necessary for the parties is a requirement for the conclusion of thecontract and not for its continuation. Article 497 of the Civil Code regards asa principle the validity of contract after the renter’s or tenant’s death butmakes two exceptions to this general rule: First, when the renter, being theowner of the benefit only during his/her lifetime, dies. In this case thecontract will be nullified. Second, if it is stipulated in the contract that thetenant should take possession of the object of lease in person. In this case thecontract will be nullified too by his/her death.Despite this general principle,in Article 12(4) of the 1977 (1356) Law on the Relationship between Renterand Tenant, which is currently enforced only for the lease of commercial andbusiness premises before 02/07/1376 (1997),legislators have recognized theheirs’ right to nullify the contract if they all agree to do so. Such a rightwhich is conferred on heirs while, of course, not being consistent with theCivil Code and Imami Jurisprudence (Figh), is open to criticism.Key WordsLeaserent, Renter’s death, Tenant’s death; Nullity of lease/rental, Article496 of Iranian Civil Code, Article 499 of Iranian Civil Code, Article 12(4) ofthe Law on Relationship between Renter and Tenant.